Club Description a short description of the purpose and activities of the club
Club Settings, Who apporves club events, (prevents over organising specific dates) Accept invitiaons and events from associated clubs. Default fee category for adding members (you can set others as you wish)
Club Keywords for search engines (most important)
Club Email Standard footer (usual disclaimer stuff)
Club Payment Processor, Secure Trading, World Pay (you need merchant accounts) PayPal (set up Bank Account)
Events Diary listing of events with dates, bookings, prices
Events Bulletin can be Printed, Created as PDF, E-mailed or Downloaded
Events Visibility events can be made visible depending upon members login
Event Creation, events can be added by members and subsequently approved by events co-ordinators
Add description and pictures to the event, location postcode links and times
Events are only displayed for current a future dates, this ensures past events do not need clearing keeping your events list clean
Past Events are kept in the Archive and are searchable, enabling you to copy content of these events into future calendar